- Joined
- Aug 19, 2001
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- Location
- So. Calif (SFV)
- Vehicle Year
- 1990
- Make / Model
- Bronco II
- Engine Type
- 2.9 V6
- Engine Size
- 2.9L V6
- Transmission
- Manual
- 2WD / 4WD
- 4WD
- Tire Size
- 35x12.50R15
(This applys to those of you using early Bronco or F-150 Superflex coils on a Ranger or Explorer also)
Links to discussions about coil spring selection:
http://www.therangerstation.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2985 (< mathematical formulas for choosing the right coil)
http://www.therangerstation.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2941 (< discussion about coils)
Understanding the TTB's steering
http://www.therangerstation.com/Magazine/winter2008/steering_tech.htm ( < an article on how to avoid the whole mess described within this thread)
It's jacking and squatting all crazy since putting in the coils and is undriveable because of it!!
Links to discussions about coil spring selection:
http://www.therangerstation.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2985 (< mathematical formulas for choosing the right coil)
http://www.therangerstation.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2941 (< discussion about coils)
Understanding the TTB's steering
http://www.therangerstation.com/Magazine/winter2008/steering_tech.htm ( < an article on how to avoid the whole mess described within this thread)
It's jacking and squatting all crazy since putting in the coils and is undriveable because of it!!
Todd said:Ok, im just about done with my rig. All I need to do is get it to go down the road without the front end doing all sorts of stupid shit.
Redid the rad arms and built in caster, didnt fix it.
Here is the problem any small amount of toe change either makes the front end camber way out and sit down or camber way in and lift the front. Im talking about really small amounts of toe change. When I have it to the point where it will go down the road ok and turn makes the front end lift up as the tires are trying to walk under the truck.
I have checked everything and I dont know what the hell is going on. My next thought would be the steering? But I dont know, I dont want to keep taking stabs in the dark to figure this out.
Some specs if you dont know.
4.5" XJ coils
4" pivot drops
Extended rad arms almost the same as junkies.
4" pitman arm drop
Some one has to know what is going on as I dont????????????????
____________________4x4junkie said:That sounds a lot like fawked up steering to me.
QUOTE(Todd @ May 18 2007, 04:01 PM)
4" pitman arm drop
So if you measure your pitman arm like this, is it 7" like the one at right?
And your steering linkage runs straight across (flat, no angle)?
If not, then yeah that's almost certainly the cause when combined with the flexier coils.
____________________Will said:How are you checking the camber?
On mine I pull off the tires and set the rotor hub on a set of jackstands that are at the height it would be on the tires. I've had no luck rolling it around to settle it. You can do everything but toe without having to roll the truck around. It takes a little finesse to make sure the load is going only straight down. Do you have the pages from the service manual that show how to check the caster? That's more directly in line with what is going on because it sounds like you are pole-vaulting over the springs on the radius arms. The TTB is horrible when it's bad, but that horribleness makes it pretty good when it's working. The fact that you can have these serious problems is due to the travel it can have. We have had a couple other problems with people with serious jacking issues like you have and they gave up. I always wanted to get my hands on those trucks and see what the hell it was.
_____________Todd said:Ok I just measured my pitman arm as the pic you posted and I am at 5 1/2". I should be around 7" you say? Must have got the wrong arm or something.
Also took the steering out and noticed the bend on the drag link is way more then it should be. Evans rig is here and compared mine to his and mine is got a larger bend on it. Dont know if this also caused the problem or it happened from the front binding. There is about a 1/2" gap on mine compared to 1 1/2" gap on Evans. Could this also be causing some problems?
As for the the camber I am not to worried about that as of now I just want it to go down the road. I have the caster at the ball joints set at 6 degrees. With the caster at 6 the camber is just about dead on when sittin on its weight after moving it a little.
So could this bend in the drag link and my pitman arm not dropped enough cause this major problem. I mean this is bad!!!! From this /----\ to this \----/ when I turn.
_____________________Todd said:5 1/2" from the frame to the end of the pitman arm, 7 1/2" from the frame to the end of the drag link end on the pitman arm. Would 1 1/2" make this much of a differance?
______________________pineypower1186 said:the xj coils are ur problem. the are not designed for the ttb. i recommend limiting straps or a sway bar. if the rear is a little softer than stock that will contribute to the problem.
_______________________________cheapthrillB2 said:i had a F250 with TTB that got a 6" lift and he had the exact problem you did, when he backed up the tires pulled towards each other and camber got way out lifting the frt, when he pulled forward it got better but still horrible...........we just did a simple alignment and got his toe/caster/camber in and fixed those problems......
but you def need dual shocks in the frt with the XJ coils, they are way to soft
i just finished installing 9" Rustys XJ coils into this B2,
its got 5.5 superlift TTB brackets, duff ext arms, the 4" drop Pitman and we haven't touched the alignment
when he would climb a small hill the tie rods pulled right in, and when he just drove forward it lifted so high in the frt, in that pic he was idleing forward, when he gased it, it lifted about 6 inches higher in the frt,
he could not drive this thing in my yard it was so scary, i intentioned installed a set of shocks that were to short, so when i installed them sitting level they were maxed out so it could not droop,
here it is after shock install
we are gonna use these shocks until the springs are worn in
but after the shock install he had NO PROBLEMS, drove fine, cornered well, and could climb the hills with no problems
side note* after break in we will install limiting straps for on road or light trail running
__________________________-Totalled said:Besides the steering it's the XJ springs. They are too soft. They let the suspension move way more than stock or lift coils... so when you accelerate, the front end comes up like a drag car and transfers weight to the back.. pulling the toe in and positive cambering the tires. The opposite happens when you hit the brakes.
__________________________-Todd said:The main problem is that it walks up or down when im in double low just crawling forward on flat ground. Depending on how the toe is set it either goes up or down really bad. When I have the toe set right for it to go strait on flat ground any turn or slight uphill grade makes it walk up. Backing up brings everything back to where it should be.
If the XJ coils are too soft then how did Junkie and Will make it work? Im going for max flex here so
I dont want to have to limit the down travel. If this is what needs to be done then why the hell did I spend all this time fabing up this front end?
Shocks, I dont have any on it as of now. Was planning on getting it rolling them RTI it and measure for shocks. Could running it without shocks cause this? I thought about it and dont see how it could. I mean I am moving at less then a mile an hour on flat paved ground and this is happening.
____________________cheapthrillB2 said:yeah not having shocks MAKES A HUGE DIFFERENCE, every thing that i found siad dual shocks are a must,
on that b2 i installed some EXTREMELY stiff Bilstien shocks, by just installing the shocks it made an incredible difference
____________________Evan said:Todd, shocks might solve the problem.
I agree, it seems like a sketchy solution, but some good dampening could stop it from walking up or down.
Good luck.
______________________Todd said:The main thing I see about the shocks is it seems that there is a constant force trying to walk the front end. Shocks would only make it walk up slower. But I guess I could be wrong. The main thing here is I dont want to start throwing more money at this If I cant get this to work. Something is majorly screwed here and its just hard for me to believe its due to shocks.
Guess I'll see if I could get some shocks from a buddys rig and through on and see if it helps. That is if me messing with the steering does not help.
____________________cheapthrillB2 said:just slap some thing to limit it level, drive it that way get it tuned in that manner,
were the springs you got used?
i've been told that the XJ springs will sag alot esc if you run a winch and heavy bumper
like in that pic its sitting level with 5.5 brackets and 8-9" coils and it hasn't sag yet so we expect atleast an inch or more of sag
in relation to that F250 i aligned, if you saw it before it was aligned you would swear that the lift was all messed up and installed worng and that the vrt end was all bent out of whack, but we put it on the rack changed out the camber/caster bushing and set toe with a alignment machine and it took care of all the problems. didn't "walk" up and when he backed up it was normal etc......
i'm concerned with the 4" brackets and the 4.5" coils that your gonna be less then 4" of lift creating more negative camber effect then positive
can you take a pic with it sitting flat, wheels forward as if your sitting on the ground in frt of it??
_______________________-Todd said:I have spacers under the coils as they did not give me a full 4", but with the spacers its where it should be.
Yes the coils are used, been wheeled for a few years so they should be all good there as for sagging.
Well im off to try and bend the drag link back in the club press, cut and drop the a pitman arm and throw some shocks of a buddy on it and see what happens. If it helps then I will get a new drag link and right pitman arm.
______________________4x4junkie said:WTF is all this???
All this crap about shocks, etc. is completely irrelevant if this is happening while just idling slowly.
(I've posted repeatedly in the past about the piece of shit steering on these things, and how the slightest angle fawks shit up, does anyone ever read it??)
YES, XJ coils exacerbate the problem, but if the problem is not there to begin with... there's no problem to BE exacerbated (IMG:style_emoticons/default/banghead.gif)
Todd, post up a front pic of your steering with it sitting level.
That's the only way I'll be able to get an idea of what's going on there.
_______________________AllanD said:There is a reason why the factory setups have the beams nearly level
as the factory sets them up...
The more angled they are the more they are prone to "jacking"
__________________________Will said:Yeah, I did this how long ago? I daily drove it with my kids in it for 2 years with XJ springs. n9emz road with me 400 miles each way to Wellsville in '05 like this at 70mph with the cruise on. Ryan drove my truck. I picked him up in Indy one time and we did 85mph on the beltway with it--three kids in the back. I'm not insane, it's a decent driving vehicle. Many other TRS members have either driven it or ridden in it. It's solid. It's NOT THE SPRING RATE. If you haven't gotten it to work, you just haven't finished the install before giving up. It's that simple. You have to be careful during your setup. When I first did it, 4x4junkie said it would be too soft to work. Now he did it, and did a better job than I did.
Let me review the way my own truck is set up, because Todd's springs could be the wrong height or rate for has geometry. I don't know because he never asked my opinion about what he is doing. And I've said before that I only recommend 3" XJ 240# springs. I have gotten dozens of PMS and e-mails about this--many from people that hit on my article through Google and weren't members of TRS--i tel them all the same thing. I have a 3" lift and I got springs that sit exactly where the Duff 3" lift springs sat. I spent a lot of time thinking that through. I did not want the geometry to be off. It isn't. I have not modified my steering--stock Pitman arm in place. I remounted my shock hoops so I could make maximum use out of the spring travel--and I run two shocks--but the drops, radius arms, radius drops are all Duff's 3" lift. I drove it with one shock and it did not jack--it was just all over the road. Pretty scary, but it did not jack. I have been sent pictures of that jacking problem but it has never been a truck set up like mine. It's been a 6" set of XJs etc..
The problem with Todd's truck has to be in the alignment or the steering. If everything is correct, you get the same easy motion but the truck is just setting higher. You can't just roll the truck a little. It's not enough. Smear the garage floor with grease if you don't want to do what I do. What I do works though. I think you know how the alignment works, sounds like it. But it's pretty far out of whack to be doing that.
With the steering, think about jousting--like riding toward another guy in armor with a spear. When you hit that guy, you have to have your spear straight into him or there will be a moment arm (distance off of perpendicular to the point of strike x the force of the strike) that will either break your spear or jerk it out of your grip. The TTB steering is the same way. When you hit a bump, if the arm is pretty much straight the bump can't do much to it. But if there is an angle it's going to apply a torque to it and a little bit of angle goes a long way. And if all you have is 240# springs, it's going to go quickly. You have to get that as straight as you can. And the TTB works in other mysterious ways its wonders to perform. Because the knuckle going down pulls the steering inward and if you don't have the springs dampened very well, and there is an angle on the steering arms, it's going to drive the tires together at the front and lift the truck up off the suspension. And if the caster is jacked--like you don't have the ends of the radius arms dropped, it's got another lever arm there and will lift the truck even more readily.
So I would unhook the steering arms altogether, put the truck on stands like I have in my picture, get everything correct. Sight along the rotors with a long straight-edge like a rifle and get the toe at zero with a guy making a mark on the wall for you. Get it all exacty right--and I'll bet your steering linkage won't even go on. If I had your truck in my garage, that's exactly what I would do.
___________________________Todd said:My buddy says that my coils are 4.5 Rustys coils and that the spring rate is 150. He also says that there are no XJ coils that are around 240. So who is right? Are my coils too soft and if XJ coils can not be had at 240 then what springs do I need.
Im going to dick with the steering when I wake up and if I cant get it to work I dont know what to do. Maybe its a lost cause as the coils im trying to use are way to soft. I just got some cash so tell me what coils to buy for 4" of lift with a lot of flex. Because all my jeep buddys tell me there is no such thing as a 240 XJ coil.
_______________________HahnsB2 said:(4x4junkie @ May 18 2007, 06:42 PM)
WTF is all this???
All this crap about shocks, etc. is completely irrelevant if this is happening while just idling slowly.
(I've posted repeatedly in the past about the piece of shit steering on these things, and how the slightest angle fawks shit up, does anyone ever read it??)
YES, XJ coils exacerbate the problem, but if the problem is not there to begin with... there's no problem to BE exacerbated (IMG:style_emoticons/default/banghead.gif)
Todd, post up a front pic of your steering with it sitting level.
That's the only way I'll be able to get an idea of what's going on there.
I agree, it sounds like the steering linkage is out of whack and thats what causes the jacking. It sounds like your "drop" pitman arm isnt dropped enough, Id suggest the "extreme" drop arm from skyjacker...
Also a note on spring rate, everything Ive ever heard says that XJs are around 240 and YJs are considerably less than that.
Todd said:Ok so whats the deal, rustys springs
These coils are 3" 150 and mine are 4" 150 coils. So these would be way to soft, right? Been looking around and all the coils I can find are around 150. Now Grand Cherokee "ZJ" coils are stiffer do to the V8's in them. Are these what you run.
Will and Junkie, tell me the exact brand, lift, and spring rate of you coils. Where did you get them? Im really starting to think I have the wrong coils.
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