DISCLAIMER: Activities and vehicle modifications appearing or described at The Ranger Station and it’s pages may be potentially dangerous. We do not endorse any such activity for others or recommend it to any particular person – we simply describe the experiences and opinions of other Ranger/Bronco II owners. If you choose to engage in these activities it is by your own free will and at your own risk. Any and all modifications will likely cause a vehicle to behave differently than stock. Some modifications may significantly increase your risk when driving the vehicle or be dangerous in some driving situations. Use good judgment when engaging in any activity or making any modifications. Do not take unwise risks. Consult a certified professional if you are not sure of something. The Ranger Station and the authors of these articles assume no liability for how any particular individual chooses to use the information presented here. Some of these modifications may void your vehicles warranty. Please also read our Legal notice HERE.

2019-Present Ford Ranger Tech:

If you’re looking for tech specific to the 2019-present Ford Ranger, click HERE.

Other Info:

Catalogs / Manuals:

A4LD Service Manual

Mitsubishi 5-Speed (FM145 & FM146)

Mitsubishi 5-Speed Service Manual

1983-1987 Toyo Kogyo Transmission

1988-1998 Toyo Kogyo Mazda Transmission

Light Duty Transmission Transfer Case Part Numbers

BW1354 Manual Transfer Case

Automatic Transmission:

Automatic Transmission Troubleshooting

Ford Ranger Automatic Transmissions

Ford Ranger Fluids & Capacities

A4LD Automatic Transmission

C5 Transmission Diagnosis

Ford 4R44E / 4R55E / 5R55E Valve Body Gasket

Replacing A Ford 4R55E with a 5R55E

7-Common Problems With The Ford 4R55E Transmission

Automatic Transmission Fluid Change

Put A GM 700R4 Behind Your Ford 4.0L V6 

Installing a Torque Converter lock up switch

Adjust / Repair Instrument Cluster Gear Indicator

A4LD Pressure Switch For Lock Up Torque Converter

AllanD’s Transmission & Transfer Case Guide

Manual Transmission:

Ford Ranger Manual Transmissions

Manual Transmission Troubleshooting

Ford M5OD Shop Manual

M5ODR1-HD Transfer Case Shift Lever Bracket

Clutch Pedal to Idler Shaft Bushing Replacement

Bleed A Hydraulic Clutch

Mazda Transmission Disassembly

Ford 2.9 Converted To 4.0 Clutch

Ford T5 Identification

Pilot Bearing Replacement

Mazda M5OD-R4 (M5R4) Manual Transmission

AllanD’s Transmission & Transfer Case Guide


Shift Rail Plug Maintenance

Shifter Bushing Replacement

Build Your Own Shifter

Transmission Swaps:

Transmission Swap Options

A4LD to F146 (Mitsubishi) 5-Speed Swap

T4/T5 Manual for Your Ford Ranger 2.9 V-6

How to replace a M5OD-R1 with a M5OD-R1HD

FM146 to M5OD and Complete Clutch Upgrade

Installing A C5 Automatic Transmission on A 4.0 OHV


Transfer Cases / Trail Control:

Transfer Case Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting Your 2001-2011 Transfer Case

The Ford Ranger 4-Wheel Drive System

M5ODR1-HD Transfer Case Shift Lever Bracket 

1983-2011 Ford Ranger Transfer Cases 

Transfer Case Identification & Ratios

Borg Warner Transfer Case Identification

T-Case Exploded Views & Part Numbers

BW 1354 Transfer Case Exploded View & ID

Transfer Case Fluid Change

NP205 Twin Stick Transfer Case

AllanD’s Transmission & Transfer Case Guide

Transfer Case Shift Modules:

1995-2000 4WD Control Module

Troubleshooting Your 1995-2000 4WD Module 

Checking 4WD Shift Module Circuits (1994-Older)

Transfer Case Shift Module Diagnosis (1994-Older)

Transfer Case Shift Motor:

Servicing A Transfer Case Shift Motor

Rebuilding A Transfer Case Shift Motor 

Transfer Case Doubler:

Dual Transfer Case Conversion

Building a BW1350-1354 Transfer Case Doubler

D&D Machine Transfer Case Doubler Install


Building A Front Driveshaft For A 1998+ Ford Ranger

Fixing A Driveshaft ‘Clunk’

Carrier Bearing Relocation

Carrier Bearing Replacement

Checking Pinion Angles

1-Piece Driveshaft And Why You Want One

1-Piece Rear Driveshaft Swap (’90-’97 4WD Supercab)

All About Universal Joints

Double Cardan U-Joint Replacement

Pinion & U-Joint Angles

Explorer Front Driveshaft On Rear Of Bronco II