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Fixing an exhaust rattle

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By BentWrench

Today I was leaving for work and noticed that there was a rattle noise coming from my exhaust.  While on my lunch break I went out and crawled under the truck to check things out.  Just as I expected the exhaust flange (muffler) bearings were shot between the catalytic converter and the exhaust pipe.  I stopped on my way home and bought a new one.  Remember to get some high temp muffler grease when you get the bearing.  Regular bearing grease will not work due to the high temps.

This is an easy fix;

1) After the exhaust cools, remove the two nuts holding the exhaust and converter together at the flange.  You may have to soak the nuts with penetrating fluid.

2) Use a long handle screwdriver to pry the old bearing out.  Remember to wear protective glasses.

3) Grease up the new bearing with muffler grease and place it in the flange.

4) Reassemble.

Hope this helps!


The views and tips expressed here by Bentwrench are done so for entertainment purposes and do not necessarily represent actual mechanical techniques, parts, problems, diagnostics or procedures.





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