by 'Destroy' - Forum Member
time, the throttle cable stretches and the housing seats more into its
ferrules, thus, adding play to the gas pedal. You never feel this
it happens so slowly and
the gas pedal drops down more so there's no "free" period
(where you push on the pedal and nothing happens) while you're pressing
on the gas.
is an easy fix, and its free. All you need is a few zip-ties and 10
Crawl under your dash and find the throttle cable. There's two of them
under there, one is the right one, the other one I have no idea what it
does, but don't zip tie it. What you want to do is pull the gas pedal
off the floor and wrap as many zip ties as you can fit around the excess
throttle cable sticking out. I fit three around mine and the difference
is huge. Once you've done this, your truck can fully achieve a wide
opened throttle. My friend Tom did this and claims his truck down shifts
smother now. Whether of not it helps shifting is up to you. I don't
know. But you will get better response at the pedal.

comments were added 9/07 by oldmantruck
and pertain also to the transmissions kickdown cable:
- 1994 4.0 Automatic Ranger)
don't know who else this may apply to, but hopefully it helps someone.
I'm pretty sure the newer trucks control the kickdown electronically,
but for the older one's its still a cable
If your truck is like mine, The throttle cable and kickdown cable are
too long for the truck ( or stretched over time when the first owner had
it, I'm not sure which) This gave me a dead spot in the throttle as well
as no way to get to fully open and completely prevented the kick down
cable from working. After nearly getting killed when the truck didn't
kick down when I was passing a tractor, I decided something needed to be
Fortunately the fix is easy. On the top of the Gas petal assembly where
the two cables connect, (the one on the left is the throttle and on the
right is the kick down,) just start installing zip ties to take up the
slack. zip it right around the cable and then slide up against the metal
ferrule on the end of the cable. each tie should take out about 1/4
" of slack. On my truck, I needed one tie on the throttle and two
on the kickdown to get things working like they should. Additionally I
added a third to the kick down to make the transmission kick down a
little sooner which seems to work well for me.
The best part is this is a cheep fix."