By BentWrench

there just isn’t any other way to get some traction except to add some
weight. What I did was to go down to the Tractor Supply nearby me where
I buy my electric fence wire which keeps the goats out of the rhubarb
and I bought me one of the valves like is seen here in this picture.
It’s about $10 and what it does is to add a bunch of water into your
tires which puts the weight right down on the ground where you want it.
Here is the procedure:
up the car (in this example I am using my 1984 Nissan Sentra station
wagon which I cut off to make a pickup) and with the tire in question
off the ground, let out the air and remove the valve core. Rotate the
tire to get the valve at the top. Screw the valve into the tire filler
stem. Then screw the garden hose into the valve and turn on the hose. As
the water goes into the tire the air comes out that little round cap as
is seen in the picture facing out. Once the tire is full of water then
pure water will come out of that cap and the tire is full. Put the valve
core back in and then put about 10psi of air in. Do all of the tires
this same way.
it’s like: When the tires are full it’s OK but you can’t really go
nearly as fast as when it is just air in them. The Nissan trucklette
gets to humping along real good and it doesn’t stop too well or steer
well but it does have good traction in the slippery stuff around the
yard. Since I work 3rd shift I
only drive it on the road at night when hardly anyone is around. I
recommend this to only the serious enthusiast which is willing to
sacrifice some drivability for true offroad performance.
views and tips expressed here by Bentwrench are done so for
entertainment purposes and do not necessarily represent actual
mechanical techniques, parts, problems, diagnostics or procedures.