Fall Round-Up 2002

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Hazard Kentucky

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The 2002 Fall Round-Up trail building took place on October 19, 2002 in Kentucky. We had 10 enthusiasts present to help with the trail building. Bobby Walter was there but donated his time to help with the construction of the land owners new home.

The following TRS forum users were present:

  • Jim Oaks
  • Sparkz
  • PT_Ranger_V8
  • RedRiverRanger
  • Big_Truckin90
  • 84project2wdranger & wife
  • Will
  • 97_4X4
  • bobby_walter & family

84project2wdranger received a $50.00 gift certificate from 4Wheelparts-Memphis for traveling the farthest to work on the trail. He came to Kentucky from Montgomery City Missouri.

I have posted some photos here in no particular order. Click on them for a larger view. As you can see this is a wooded mountain trail that has been untouched for years! We selectively cut out trees only where needed in order to make a trail through this beautiful area. We hope to expand the trail in the coming year.

As it is now, we were able to make a trail to the top of the ridge that crosses along the top of the ridge and then loops back down. The Ranger Station Ranger (TRS-1) was the first Ranger to make it to the top of the ridge and there is finally a complete loop built to trail ride on.

I hope that more of you will join us on our next trip to Kentucky. C-YA then!!