(Dana 35 Above / Dana 28 Below)

The 1983-1997 Ford Ranger came with a Twin Traction Beam (TTB) front suspension. The TTB system is Ford’s 1980-1997 version of an independent front suspension. Mechanically, the TTB axle is similar to a straight axle, but instead of a solid axle tube, the differential and steering knuckles are attached to beams. The inboard ends of the beams are attached to a frame-mounted crossmember by a bushing, while the outboard ends support the steering knuckles and are attached to the frame through the springs and radius arms.

From 1983-1997 the Ford Ranger 4×4 has used three different TTB front axles:

  • Dana 28 TTB (1983-1989)
  • Dana 35 TTB (1990-1997)
  • Dana 35/28 Hybrid (1993-1997)

The Dana 35/28 Hybrid is a Dana 35 that uses the older Dana 28 differential and gears. Ford more information on that axle, check out Ford Dana 35 TTB Hybrid.

In 1998, the Ford Ranger went to a Dana 35 SLA front axle.  This page will discuss the Dana 28 and Dana 35 TTB axles.

Specification Dana 28 Dana 35
Width (Wheel Mount Surface – Surface) 58 Inches 59.5 Inches
Ring Gear Diameter 6.625 Inches 7.56 Inches
Ring Gear Bolts (8) 3/8″ x 24 RH
Pinion Stem 1.312 Inch 1.406 Inch
Carrier Breaks 3.73 up, 3.45 & down 3.55 up
Axle Shaft Diameter / Spline 1.00 / 23 1.16″ / 27
Bolt Pattern 12 Bolt Pattern On Front Of Axle 10 Bolt Pattern On Front Of Axle
Factory Ratios 3.08, 3.45, 3.73, 4.10 3.27, 3.55, 3.73, 4.10
Aftermarket Ratios 4.56, 5.13 (Discontinued) 4.56, 4.88 5.13
U-Joints 5-456x (1210 Series) 5-297x (stock), 5-760x
Max Tire Diameter Rating 31 Inches 35 Inches (TTB), 33 Inches (SLA IFS)
Pinion Bearing Preload 10 – 13 In Lbs (new)  6 – 8 In Lbs (used) 15 – 25 In Lbs (new bearings)  6 – 8 In Lbs (used)
Backlash 0.005-0.008 Inches 0.005-0.008 Inches
Ring Gear Bolt Torque 55 Lbs Foot 70-90 Lbs Ft
Carrier Bearing Cap Torque 30-45 Lbs Foot 47-67 Lbs Ft
Pinion Nut Torque 140 – 500 lbs-ft Foot (crush sleeve) 170 – 500 lbs-ft (crush sleeve)
Fluid 2 Quarts Hypoid Gear Lubricant SAE 80W or 90W 3 Quarts Hypoid Gear Lubricant SAE 80W or 90W
Exploded Views & Part Numbers Click HERE Click HERE
Resource – Randy’s Ring & Pinion

Dana 28 And Dana 35 Visual Differences:

The below photos show the visual differences between the Dana 28 and Dana 35:

Axle Shaft Dimensions



Axle Shaft Comparison:

Here is a picture of a Dana 28 & Dana 35 driver side axle shaft with the dimensions shown:


Spindle Comparisons:

Here’s a picture of a Dana 35 (Left) and Dana 28 (Right) spindle with dimensions shown:

 Connect to the Internet if you can't see this image.


The 1983-1994 front brake is a single piston caliper with slide pins. In 1995 the caliper was upgraded to a dual piston (2-piston) caliper and the rotor was upgraded to 1.023 inches thick. The caliper bolts to the steering knuckle and does not use slide pins.

The 1983-1988 axle beams are different than the 1989-1997 beams. In 1989, Ford moved the ball joints from the beam to the steering knuckle. So you can not swap the 1995-1997 steering knuckles on to these beams. The dual piston calipers will only fit the 1995-1997 steering knuckles, and those knuckles can only be swapped on to the 1989-1994 beams. So if you have a 1983-1988, you’ll need to swap in a 1989-1994 beam, or swap in a 1995-1997 beam with the dual piston calipers.

For more information about the front brakes and brake upgrades, check out ‘Ford Ranger Brake Upgrades‘.

Dana Axle Labels:

Your front axle may have a code stamped on the left carrier arm between the fill plug and axle end.  It will look like ‘F17A‘ or similar.  What this code represents is;

= 1980’s

F = 1990’s

= Last digit of year

7 = Ranger

A = Light Truck Engineering

For more information on breaking down codes, click HERE.

Since the Dana 28’s were built in the 1980’s, their code will start with an ‘E’ whereas the Dana 35’s were built in the 1990’s and will start with an ‘F’.  The above-mentioned code would indicate that the axle was a Ranger axle built in 1991.

There is a manufacturers label on the back side of the right axle beam that lists the year manufactured and gear ratio.

The top left corner of the sticker has the Dana PN (also called BOM (Build of Material) number). The 610366 identifies this as a:

610366 FORD 35 FRONT 1990 1/2-92 1/2 EXPLORER

Note: The ‘8’ after the 610366 actually corresponds to the gear ratio

The second box from top right identifies it as having 3.73 gears.

The third box indicates whether it’s a standard differential or Trac Lok

These stickers are on the back side of the passenger side axle beam.

Dana 28 / 35 Front Axle ‘Build of Material’ Numbers:

610171 FORD DANA 28 FRONT 1983-1984 FORD RANGER
610223 FORD DANA 28 FRONT 1984 1/2-1985 FORD RANGER / BRONCO II
610365 FORD DANA 35 FRONT 1990 1/2-92 1/2 FORD RANGER / BRONCO II
610366 FORD DANA 35 FRONT 1990 1/2-92 1/2 FORD EXPLORER
610410 FORD DANA 35 FRONT 1993-1994 1/2 FORD EXPLORER ABS
610418 FORD DANA 28 FRONT 1993-1994 1/2 FORD RANGER (Hybrid axle)
610419 FORD DANA 35 FRONT 1993-1994 1/2 FORD RANGER
610436 FORD DANA 35 FRONT 1992 1/2 FORD RANGER
610483 FORD DANA 35 FRONT 1995-1997 1/2 FORD RANGER ABS
610484 FORD DANA 28 FRONT 1995-1997 1/2 FORD RANGER ABS (Hybrid axle)
610652 FORD DANA 35 FRONT 1997-1997 1/2 RANGER
610653 FORD DANA 28 FRONT 1997 RANGER NON ABS (Hybrid Axle)


Build Of Material Numbers For 1983-1989 Dana 28 Axles:

Bill of Material Diff Type Ratio
1983-1984 Ford Ranger
610171-1 Standard 3.08
610171-3 Standard 3.45
610171-5 Standard 3.73
610171-6 Trac Lok 3.73
610171-8 Standard 3.45
610171-9 Standard 3.73
610171-10 Standard 4.10
610171-11 Standard 3.08
610171-12 Standard 3.45
610171-13 Standard 3.73
610171-14 Standard 3.45
610171-15 Standard 3.73
610171-16 Standard 4.10
610171-17 Trac Lok 4.10
1984-1/2 To 1985 Ford Ranger / Ford Bronco II
610223-1 Trac Lok 3.73
610223-2 Standard 3.08
610223-3 Standard 3.45
610223-4 Standard 3.73
610223-5 Standard 3.45
610223-6 Standard 3.73
610223-7 Standard 4.10
610223-8 Trac Lok 4.10
610223-9 Standard 3.45
610223-10 Standard 3.73
610223-11 Standard 4.10
1986-1987 Ford Ranger / Ford Bronco II
610249-1 Trac Lok 3.73
610249-2 Standard 3.08
610249-3 Standard 3.45
610249-4 Standard 3.73
610249-5 Standard 4.10
610249-6 Trak Lok 4.10
610249-7 Standard 3.45
610249-8 Standard 3.73
610249-9 Standard 4.10
1987-1/2 Ford Ranger / Ford Bronco II
610298-3 Standard 3.45
610298-4 Standard 3.73
610298-5 Standard 4.10
610298-7 Standard 3.45
610298-8 Standard 3.73
610298-9 Standard 4.10
1988-1989 Ford Ranger / Ford Bronco II
610307-1 Standard 3.45
610307-2 Standard 3.73
610307-3 Standard 4.10
610307-4 Standard 3.45
610307-5 Standard 3.73
610307-6 Standard 4.10


NOTE: 610418, 610484, and 610653 are Dana 35/28 Hybrid axles. They’re listed in the Dana parts catalog under the Ford Model 28 /174 IFS Front Axles.

NOTE: For a breakdown of part numbers check out the Dana 28 Parts Catalog.

Build Of Material Numbers For 1990-1997 Dana 35 Axles:

Bill of Material Diff Type Ratio
1990 Ford Ranger / Ford Bronco II
610300-1 Standard 3.73
610300-2 Standard 3.55
610300-3 Standard 3.73
610300-4 Standard 3.55
610300-5 Standard 4.10
610300-6 Standard 4.10
1990-1/2 – 1992-1/2 Ford Explorer
610366-1 Standard 3.73
610366-2 Standard 3.55
610366-3 Standard 3.73
610366-4 Standard 3.55
610366-5 Standard 3.27
610366-7 Standard 3.55
610366-8 Standard 3.73
1990-1/2 92 1/2 Ranger/Bronco II
610365-1 Standard 3.73
610365-2 Standard 3.55
610365-3 Standard 3.73
610365-4 Standard 3.55
610365-5 Standard 4.10
610365-6 Standard 4.10
610365-7 Standard 3.27
610365-8 Standard 3.27
610365-9 Standard 3.55
610365-10 Standard 3.73
610365-11 Standard 4.10
1992-1/2 Ford Explorer
610437-1 Standard 3.27
610437-2 Standard 3.27
610437-3 Standard 3.55
610437-4 Standard 3.73
610437-5 Standard 3.73
1992-1/2 Ford Ranger
610436-1 Standard 3.27
610436-2 Standard 3.27
610436-3 Standard 3.55
610436-4 Standard 3.55
610436-5 Standard 3.73
610436-6 Standard 3.73
610436-7 Standard 4.10
610436-8 Standard 4.10
1994-1/2 Ford Explorer – ABS
610410-1 Standard 3.73
610410-2 Standard 3.73
610410-3 Standard 3.27
610410-4 Standard 3.27
610410-5 Standard 3.55
1993-1994 1/2 Ford Ranger
610419-1 Standard 3.73
610419-2 Standard 3.27
610419-3 Standard 3.27
610419-4 Standard 3.73
610419-5 Standard 3.45
610419-6 Standard 3.45
1995-1997 1/2 Ford Ranger – ABS
610483-3 Standard 3.27
610483-4 Standard 3.27
610483-7 Standard 3.73
610483-8 Standard 3.73
610483-11 Standard 3.27
610483-12 Standard 3.73
1997-1997 1/2 Ford Ranger
610652-1 Standard 3.27
610652-2 Standard 3.73
610652-3 Standard 3.27
610652-4 Standard 3.73


NOTE: For a breakdown of part numbers check out the Dana 35 Parts Catalog.