Written / Pictures by: Tony Carricaburu
Getting Started:
Are you sick of driving to the nearest gas station to fill up your
tires after an off-roading trip? Or using the cheap electric
"30-40 minutes-a-tire" compressor? Well then, you need to
use the alternative conversion - taking your OEM-style
air-conditioning compressor and converting it into a powerful
multi-purpose air compressor. It enables you to fill your tires in
minutes or run air tools anywhere you want.
After reading several write-ups about other guys installing an
On-Board Air setup in their Jeeps, it seemed that everyone was leaning
towards the York style compressor because of its internal oil
reservoir. This style compressor lubricates itself and doesn't need
the lubricants that freon produces. One of the disadvantages is the
size. These compressors are very large, double the size and weight of
a standard (non-York) compressor. From my experience, they are harder
to mount and usually need custom fabricated mounting brackets. Another
big disadvantage was the pulley. Instead of being a serpentine-style
belt, most of the Yorks I looked at were V-belt. This would mean some
custom work, and probably some special machine-shop work would be
required. I figured it would be easier to just use an OEM factory
compressor (non-York).
Unfortunately, my 1990 Jeep Wrangler wasn't equipped with factory
air conditioning. This meant I had to either find a factory Jeep
Wrangler compressor, or find a compressor with similar mounts. At
first, I tried finding a factory OEM Jeep compressor. I soon realized
that most wrecking yards seemed to think these compressors were made
of gold. With prices ranging anywhere from $75.00 to $100.00, I
decided that it was time to look for another alternative. I'm sure
some of you're thinking that isn't much. You're right, but the
compressor should be one of the cheapest parts of the conversion (plus
I wanted to do this conversion with a low-budget kept in mind.) After
a few more trips to wrecking yards, I convinced one guy to let me just
look at what he had to offer, because I wasn't sure what donor vehicle
I was getting the compressor from. He showed me a garage with probably
300 compressors hanging from mounts like clothes on hangers. I knew
I'd find something here. I found one that looked like it would work
and was pretty similar to a Jeep OEM compressor. The label on the
side stated that the donor vehicle was a Ford Mustang V-8. I brought
it up to the front counter and asked how much he wanted for it. He
said "well.... how'z about 20 bucks"? Without hesitating I
said, "Sure - I'm going to go out to my car and hook the clutch
to my battery."

Air Conditioning Compressor)
This is how you check to see if the clutch is working. This can be
done by touching one wire to the (+)positive side of your battery and
the other to the (-)ground. Voila! - it worked. I gave the guy $20
bucks and took it home. The first thing I did was clean it up. Then I
wrote out a list of the hardware I was going to need. I got this
information from other write-up pages I had previously read and
printed out.
For mounting, I was going to have to make some simple mounting
brackets. There are two mounts on the compressor and both of them need
to be firm and tight without any movement. I used a piece of 1/4"
thick 2"x2" angle iron about 6" long for the rear
mount. For the front mounting bracket I used a 1/4" thick,
2" flat piece of steel approx. 6" long. After you've mounted
your compressor, the hardest part of the conversion is done. Now it's
just a matter of hooking up the plumbing and performing a few final

Threaded Barbed Fittings for 3/8" hose
50' of
3/8" hose
filter from a Lawnmower
4-hole manifolds
to fit the two manifolds together
hose clamps (estimated)
1/4" Air tool coupler male/female
sealing tape
Parts Used:
Switch P/N 16151
(3) 0-200
psi pressure gauges
1-foot of
1" hose
Safety Pop off valve

Air Pressure
Switch P/N 16151
From what
I've read, everyone suggests using an air-tank with at least a 2-gallon
capacity. I used a Fire Extinguisher Tank. Unfortunately, mine only holds
about 1.3 gallons. Personally I have never come across a situation were
my compressor and air-tank weren't able to provide a continuous amount of
pressure. Sun Performance offers a very nice air tank and I believe it
holds 2.3 gallons. It has a very slim design and would work perfect to
mount above the rear differential on a Jeep Wrangler. I've even seen them
mounted on the fenderwells between the rollbars as well.
of Air Tank & Manifold Setup:

I'm not
sure what CFM (cubic-feet-per minute) my compressor pumps out, but to
give you an example of the performance: I currently run 35x12.5x15
BFGoodrich Mud terrain tires on my Jeep. When I go offroading I usually
air down to about 12psi. My compressor will fill one tire to 32psi. in
approximately 30 seconds at about 2000 rpm's. Be careful you don't
overheat your compressor. There is alot of friction going on and after
about 10-15 min of continuous running at about 2000 rpms, mine gets a
little hot. I usually let it sit for about 10 minutes before next use. I
also use my compressor for running air tools.
article was posted at off-road.com in December 2000. TRS linked to it
until the link was no longer any good, and then the article was found at
the internet archive and preserved here.